Live. Laugh. Sparkle.
Another blog. This one has sparkles.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Feeling 33

When I was 13, I tried to learn Spanish from one of those tape sets. I took French for two years and barely passed my high school class. The only language that I've managed to master is the best of all (in my opinion) - the language of film quotes.

I found this image on Tumblr yesterday, and I think I should just make it into a t-shirt.

My family is pretty well versed in movie quotes, too, and there have been times when my sisters and I have had full conversations using lines from our favorite movies and tv shows. Pretty pathetic? Or pretty AWESOME.

My hubby's also schooled in the language - it was one of the first things that drew me to him, especially his great knowledge of Muppet quotes (and it doesn't hurt that he's got the voices down perfectly). We've been teaching each other new quotes since we got together. I inundated him with "Psych," and he's been sharing "Star Trek" with me (the series and films). There are times when I'm not thinking and I'll slip into a quote from something he hasn't seen yet, then I have to explain it to him.

Like the other night, for instance. For some odd reason, I lapsed into Aibileen's "You is smart, you is kind, you is important" from "The Help." Of course, Matt had no idea what I was talking about - so I pulled up the movie clip thanks to YouTube. Now we have another movie quote to add to our repertoire.

Are there any fantastically quotable movies / tv shows that my language needs? Let me know. I'm always looking to improve myself. :)


  1. This is GREAT! I love it! XOXOXO

  2. Love it! It's funny when I think about how much of our conversation is in movie quotes. Although, we've gotten to the point where some of our language is quoting ourselves, which cracks me up. It would be super boring to anyone else, but it's fun for us! :)

  3. Does he know My Blue Heaven backwards and forwards? Because I didn't understand a WORD any of you were saying until I had that one firmly under my belt. That and Big Business. :) It might be a bit "Old School Gabriel" for him at this point - but I think you should school him all the same. :)

  4. And y'all need to print those Tshirts for the next Gabriel Family Gathering! Not even kidding. #Christmas #GoodPJTop #LoveYouGuys #MakeLoveToThePastryCart #HaventHadArugulaInSixWeeks

    1. That is the best idea ever!!! And sadly I've been failing at schooling him in the Old School Gabriel movie quotes :/
