Live. Laugh. Sparkle.
Another blog. This one has sparkles.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

emBody: ED Talks #4: The Story of My Body--by Adele G.

My amazing, beautiful, talented friend, Dana, has created this blog that I think is one of the most uplifting and inspiring things on the internet today. In a world where we are constantly told what is "wrong" with our bodies, this blog celebrates what gifts they are, explores the mind-body-spirit connection, and promotes healing and strength for anyone who battles eating disorders or other struggles with his/her body.

At the encouragement of family and friends, this is my piece that I wrote for her blog. It was difficult to organize the jumble of thoughts in my brain that had bumped around for decades, but it was worth it. If you struggle when you look in the mirror - or know someone that does - you need to check out this blog. Echoing the blog's intro: "Healing is possible. Living is the reward."

emBody: ED Talks #4: The Story of My Body--by Adele G.: I went on my first diet was when I was eleven years old. I was tired of being the “chubby one” in the family. Tired of having a pot belly ...


  1. You did a beautiful job on this post! I love you so much!!!

  2. Beautiful post, Adele. I'm glad you were able to have that wonderful experience at Christmas time and that you're able to love yourself. I think you're one of the most loveable (and beautiful, actually) people I know. I find it enlightening to learn what people struggle with. It makes me more and more grateful for the Atonement. Thank you for sharing.
