Live. Laugh. Sparkle.
Another blog. This one has sparkles.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I shun the latest trends....unless they're super cool

I try to be an individual.  Just because everyone is talking about / reading / watching / participating in "the new, cool thing,"  I have to stop and deliberate over whether it's something I actually want to invest myself in.  I don't watch "Dancing with the Stars," "The Bachelor," or "American Idol."  I cringe when I see a commercial or read about the "amazing new diet" trend that is sweeping the nation.  I still haven't read an entire book from the "Twilight" series, and I actually stopped watching "Glee" months ago.  Maybe I'm just stubborn, or maybe holding out on following what's popular subconsciously gives me a sick sense of pride and superiority......whatever the reason, I don't like to go along with stuff just because "everyone else is doing it."

Except for this

Oh, and these

And let's not forget THIS

Ok, maybe I'm not as original an individual as I think - but I AM a little picky about what new fad I'm going to embrace (sorry, skinny jeans, it's never going to happen).  It usually has to come highly recommended by someone very close to me, but even then I can need some prodding.
I resisted The Hunger Games for so long after my younger sister said I HAD to read them, and then they became added to my list of all-time favorite books.  So when my youngest sister told me to watch Once Upon A Time, I started soon after she told me to - and now I'm hooked.

What sealed the deal was the episode from a couple weeks ago, when the story inspiration was Beauty and the Beast.  That is already one of my favorite fairy tales, and probably my #1 favorite Disney Princess movie (I think I'll have to devote a blog post to it one of these days), and the way OUAT handled it was truly for the die hard B&B fans (in my opinion).

There was Belle in her yellow ball gown.
And her blue dress.

But I think what made me holler out loud at the TV was the fact that some unenchanted enchanted objects made it into the episode as well
(Check out the candle and clock in the background to the right, and Mrs. Potts on the tray to the left.)

It's easy to almost miss the Lumiere and Cogsworth cameos, but it was hard to ignore this one:

"It's chipped."



  1. I love it! Wonderful post! I noticed the 'Chip' reference, but didn't notice the candlestick or clock! I'm glad you listen to your own drummer! Beeee yourself! Love you!

  2. I like to think of myself as a discriminating fad follower, too. If it's truly worth it (Harry Potter, anyone?!!!), then I'll join.

    Fun that you picked up on all sorts of references in Beauty and the Beast!

  3. I love once upon a time! I thought that it was hilarious that the prince who was supposed to marry Belle was named Gaston, like from the movie.
