Live. Laugh. Sparkle.
Another blog. This one has sparkles.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Everyone should have a big brother.....

Me and Joe
.....Especially if he's like mine.
Today is my brother's birthday, and since he's pretty much the greatest brother that ever was (and since the selection of e-cards is absolutely pitiful for such an awesome brother), I wanted to dedicate this post to the amazing, wonderful, incredible, talented, funny, loving man that is my big brother.
Me and Joe on the day I was born
Ever since I can remember, my brother has been my best friend (even when I was doing my best impression of "annoying little sister").  He would play with me, imagine with me, watch TV with me.... with me, watch out for me, and he introduced me to some of the coolest stuff on the planet.  Star Wars, He-Man, Voltron, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, Legos - what can I say, he just has a knack for finding things that are incredibly cool and fun.  Forget Snoopy - my brother was, and still is, truly Joe Cool.

Seriously, this boy was born cool!
Dorothy and the Karate Kid (eat your heart out, Ralph Macchio!)
He-Man and a Bride (yes, I am wearing a pillowcase)
He has one of the greatest imaginations, and is so amazingly creative.  Not only is he an incredible filmmaker, photographer, and hot glue gunner (remember all of those projects you used to make when we were younger??) but he totally rocks whatever does (including dancing).
The best dancing partner - he's always been a great dipper.

I couldn't ask for a brother more loving or compassionate.  No matter my heartbreak, disappointment or trial, my brother has always been there for me.  Whether it was the pain of losing out at an audition, the difficulties of high school, or the sorrow from a broken relationship, his unconditional love and support always made me feel that I was OK no matter what.  He has shown me such love and acceptance all through the years
and it means more than I can adequately express.

Not only is he an amazing brother, but an amazing husband to his gorgeous wife, too.  And now he's a daddy! There is no question that his little girl has one of the most fun, loving fathers in the world.  I am so proud of him, and so grateful that he's my brother.
He's the best brother ever!

I love you, hermano!


  1. What a beautiful tribute! I love all the pictures! So many memories and good times!

  2. so cute! ...why didn't i think of this first... Just kidding. I have the greatest siblings in the world. I love our family!

  3. Thank you so much sis! I'm sweet of you. I don't know abt cool but I did enjoy a good hot glue gun. :) (seriously amazed we don't have more scars from that...). I'm grateful for all the fun times and great memories and am excited to make many more in years to come! Thanks for being such a kind and supportive sister. I feel really lucky to have such great family. I love you lots - can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
